Thursday, February 27, 2014

#Quote 61

People's reaction to ideas:
Bad idea: "That'll never work"
Good idea: "That could work"
Great Idea: "That'll never work"
~Aaron Levie

#Quote 60

If internet explorer is brave enough to
ask you to be your default browser,
you're brave enough to ask that girl or
boy out.

#Quote 59

There's a story behind every person.
There's a reason why they're the way
they are. They aren't just like that 
because they want to. Sometimes in the
past created them, and sometimes
it's impossible to fix them.

#Quote 58

Sometimes you just have to close your
eyes, count to ten, take a deep breath,
remind yourself you wouldn't look good
in prison stripes and just smile at that
dumb ass and wall away :)